Monday, March 25, 2013

Challenge 1

1st Fitness Challenge....

1000 Rep Challenge

10 exercises, 10 reps, 10 times. 
Record time of each set of 10... and a total time.  Do it again in 4 weeks and you can track your progress.

The following exercises are ones that I did, but if you need to subsititute exercises feel free as long as they are working the same muscle groups.

1. Bosu Ball Burpees  (sub regular burpees)

2. Bosu Ball Crunches  (sub crunches)

3. KB Swings (25lb)     (sub Dumbell Swings)

4. Back Lunge (right)

5. Back Lunge (left)

6. TRX  Push-ups       (sub Push-ups)

7. Box Jumps (18 in)

8. TRX Pull-ups      (sub Bent over row)

9. Sand-Bag Clean/Press (20lb)

10.  Plank Star Jumps

My total time was 58:17. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Starting off....

The time has come where I feel the need to share, vent and to use my experiences for something good and worthwhile.  I'm hoping that I find that here.  I have never been much of a writer so bear with me, but hopefully I'll be able to put some ideas together and form coherent thoughts.  As I sit here, in a high school classroom full of athletes taking concussion baseline tests it occurs to me just how little I knew then and how much I definitely didn't know. 

When I was in high school I was a good kid.  I rarely got in trouble, got good grades, was captain of a couple sports teams, was involved in student government... but I had no idea who I wanted to be.  And to some effect, I still am not 100% sure.  The things I knew I wanted to be was to be kind, thoughtful, gentle and true to my gut instincts.  For the most part I've been able to be those things, with a little diversion in my early to mid 20's.  The other thing I knew I wanted to be was helpful to others.  This came through studying exercise science and athletic training.  I've been a student of the body and mind ever since.  I find it fascinating that although we have so many similarities as humans there are such great differences in how and why we manage, cope and excel. 

As I've grown through life and found some stability with a good job and a happy marriage I've realized that your past does shape your perception of the future but it doesn't neccessarily have to define it.  If you're not somewhat afraid of your decisions for your future those aspirations probably aren't big enough.  Usually I am my own worst enemy... always second guessing and lacking confidence in my abilities.  I've always been too scared to try hard or to actually do my best for fear of failing and falling flat on my face.  One time, in an athletic contest, I went for it.  I wanted to pull out the best 3 mile run in a triathlon, I've ever run.  And one time... I broke 7 min miles for 3 miles.  I haven't been able to that before or since, which is crazy, because since I've done it once,  I know I am capable of it.  Hopefully, some day soon I'll throw caution to the wind, let some control go and just go for it!

That's what this blog is about...How to become my best self and my journey to that end.  It will also be full of healthy recipes and fitness information.  Maybe there is transformation in putting this all out there?  Part of this transformation will also be fitness challenges... I'll post a challenge for the wee and you'll sign up to do it with me.  I'll post my times and benchmarks and you can or you don't have to do the same. 

I'm excited to share this journey... and hope it reaches some of you out there too
